10 Hot Babe Hairstyles to Make With Brazilian Wool

Word on the street is that the girlies have added Brazilian wool to the list of things that take your hotness level from zero to 100. Now, if you’re out there for the hottest hairstyles to make with Brazilian wool, this piece is all you need.

Faux locs

Want to start your locs journey but don’t want to grow it from scratch? Say no more and let Brazilian wool do the job for you.

Distressed twists

The good thing about it is they can last up to a month or more, depending on how you maintain them.

Passion twists

Not a fan of hot babe compliments? You better run from this hairstyle that’ll have everyone gushing, and choose something basic.

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Butterfly locs

Similar to distressed locs, this version has curly loops added to it.

Knotless braids

If you’re a knotless braid girly looking to save costs on attachment in this Tinubu economy, Brazilian wool should be on radar.

Jumbo yarn twists

Where are my girlies who hate spending hours at the salon at? This twist style with Brazilian wool is lightweight, low maintenance and easy on your pocket.

Bantu knots

For when you want to get a lil traditional. Just make sure you funkify it with baby curls so you don’t give “Ancient of days”.

Braids with Bantu knot tips

Bored of all the different braid styles? You probably haven’t switched things up with this braids x bantu knots combo using Brazilian wool.

Medium braids with loose ends

Consider replacing the knots with loose ends. It sounds crazy, but this picture is all the evidence you need to convince yourself that it works.

Regular-degular twists

You can make this style short or long, depending on your lifestyle.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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