NHL in meeting with Lehner after accusations

A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2021 -10-04 12:30

The article’s original address: https://www.dn.se/sport/nhl-i-mote-med-lehner -after-accusations /

NHL ska intervjua Robin Lehner efter hans anklagelser om att NHL-klubbar delar ut medicin till spelarna utan recept. Arkivbild. The NHL will interview Robin Lehner after his accusations that NHL clubs are handing out medicine to the players without a prescription. Stock Photography. Photo: John Locher / AP

The NHL has contacted Robin Lehner to interview him about the allegations that NHL clubs have given players over-the-counter medication.

The Swedish NHL goalkeeper accused during the weekend on Twitter NHL clubs for regularly distributing anti-anxiety drugs, benzodiazepines, in connection with travel.

NHL Vice Commissioner Bill Daly says the league will talk with Lehner on his post. The league has no plans to investigate until the conversation with the Vegas goalkeeper has taken place.

30-year-old Lehner wrote in his posts that his current club does not hand out medicine to the players unless it is on the advice of doctors. Robin Lehner described in his posts how Buffalo during his time there mismanaged him during an ankle injury. Lehner has in his posts been strongly critical of how Buffalo refuses to let long-term injured star Jack Eichel undergo a new form of surgery for a neck injury.

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