Marvel Rivals publisher walks back negative review clause for previews

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NetEase says the development hopes to have “consistent feedback, suggestions, and criticisms through more in-depth cooperation”

NetEase, the publisher of Marvel Rivals, is retracting its no negativity clause for streamers previewing the game.

As reported by PCGamesN, the move came after streamer Brandon Larned shared some contract details on social media.

“Extremely disappointed in Marvel Rivals. Multiple creators asked for key codes to gain access to the playtest and are asked to sign a contract. The contract signs away your right to negatively review the game. Many streamers have signed without reading just to play.”

NetEase advised PCGamesN that it is revising the contract with content creators.

In a statement sent to the publication, the publisher said, “The contract is a draft version aiming for long-term cooperation with the creators who are interested in Marvel Rivals. The development team hopes to have more meaningful and consistent feedback, suggestions, and criticisms through more in-depth cooperation.”

It also posted a statement on the Marvel Rivals content creator Discord saying it would revise the agreement terms.

Net Ease Games announced Marvel Rivals a month ago. It currently has no release schedule and is currently running a closed alpha test.

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