“Why you chop their number one” – Reaction as a group of Turkeys blocks the way of a lady and attempts to chase her (VIDEO)

Hilarious reactions have trailed a video that was shared on TikTok which captured a group of Turkey attempting to chase a lady.

The birds which were seven in number were seen blocking the exit point of a property and clucking loudly.

While she tried ignoring the birds to continue her journey they came closer to her, in an attempt to chase her.

While she tried to ignore the birds and pass by their side they advanced forward in an attempt to scare her off.

Frightened by the way they kept approaching her, she picked up a stone in a bid to defend herself with it.

However, the birds didn’t stop intimidating her, and she was forced to return back home.

Below are some of the comments,

@soysauce:  The way they all lined up. No be juju be this?

@dubem:  I would have been screaming the blood of Jesus cause why did they line up and they’re black and red

@omi:  Instead make you greet your aunty and her friends, you dey carry stone

@I have been in your shoes, they were seven too, I fought for my life. 

@call_me_timbell:  What if they prevented something bad from happening, God works in miraculous ways you know.

@Precious:  They’re just the estate security, show them your ID card, and they will let you pass.

Watch the video below,

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