Two arrests in connection with Richmond robbery

Detectives investigating a robbery at a jewellers in Richmond are continuing their appeal for information.

At around 14:50hrs on Saturday, 25 May, two men entered a shop on Kew Road and assaulted a member of staff before stealing a quantity of high value watches.

The victim, Oliver White, was not seriously injured in the attack, but was sadly found dead at a location in Surrey the following day.

This is being investigated by Surrey Police, who are supporting the victim’s family. His death is not being treated as suspicious.

Two arrests have been made in connection with the robbery. A woman, aged in her 30s, has been released under investigation. A man, also aged in his 30s was arrested on Wednesday, 29 May and bailed pending further enquiries.

Detective Chief Inspector Scott Mather, from the Met’s Flying Squad , said: “First and foremost, our thoughts remain with Mr White’s family and friends at this unimaginably difficult time. We would ask that they are given the privacy they need to grieve.

“We are working tirelessly to get them the answers they need and are making good progress with our investigation. We urge anyone who has information that could assist us to get in touch as soon as possible.

“The images we have provided are good quality and someone must recognise the men we need to speak to. If you don’t want to contact police, please contact Crimestoppers anonymously.”

Anyone who recognises these two men or has information that could assist police is asked to call 101 or ‘X’ @MetCC and quote CAD4555/25May. You can also provide information anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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