4 key players dropped from England’s Euro 2024 squad

4 key players have now been confirmed to be out of the England Euro 2024 squad ahead of the final 26-man squad list.

Reports have now confirmed that four key players have been dropped from the England squad that will feature at the Euro 2024 tournament which is set to kick off in June 2024.

As fans eagerly anticipate the 26-man squad announcement of different countries with England included, the 33-man squad list submitted by Gareth Southgate himself is slowly taking shape with four players in James Maddison, Curtis Jones, Harry Maguire and Jack Grealish all confirmed as players that would miss the tie.

England in an official announcement confirmed that James Maddison and Curtis Jones had both left the squad a day prior to their final international friendly before the commencement of the Euro 2024.

James Maddison also confirmed his departure in a statement where he shared his disappointment in not being able to represent his country on such a stage.

Harry Maguire also released an official statement where he confirmed he would be missing the Euro 2024 due to injury. The Manchester United defender’s statement read, “I am devastated not to have been selected to play for England at the Euros this summer. Despite my best efforts, I have not been able to overcome an injury to my calf. Maybe I pushed myself too hard, to try and make it. Simply, I am absolutely gutted. For me, representing England is the highest honour. It means everything to me. If I can’t help the team as a player, I will support them as a fan – along with the rest of the country. Go and win it boys. Next, I will return to the supervision of the Manchester United medical team in order to prepare for next season.”

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