5 Reasons Why Upgrade to Windows 11

Windows is a platform that acts as a foundation for people all over the world to create new things. And it is also the starting point for many startups. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that most people’s first computers came with Windows, while many websites were born and raised on Windows, which is where many of us write our first emails. Play the first PC game and write the first line of code

Windows It’s where people create and connect. to learn and achieve their own goals It is a platform with over a billion users today. And at a time when PCs play an increasingly important role in our lives, Windows 11 is designed to bring you closer to the things you love.

in depth Windows 11 features and adds new features. Answering personal issues and feelings better

After calling a lot of buzz in the middle of the year with the first appearance of Windows 11, the latest version of Micro’s operating system. Soft It comes with many new features that have changed over Windows 10. Finally, it’s time for Microsoft to release the full version of Windows 11 starting October 2021, creating a new user experience to bring users closer. Closer to the things you love and those you love. Reinforcing its leadership in technology and platform innovation Get out of the box with a new design, cool functions, and interact naturally with Windows 11 through a mouse, keyboard, touch and pen that streamline usability. Support work, study and play at the same time The biggest change ever, Windows 11, what’s new, what’s so good that it’s been dubbed “Your Next Love”? Check it out

1. enhance multitasking at the same time to be more comfortable than ever

Windows 11 changes its design by adding a rounded edge to app window frames and menus. and move the icon in the taskbar to the middle of the screen Closer to the eye in actual use than before. The new Start menu has a simpler look than ever. Ready to serve both apps and files that you use regularly with a simple click. For those who are new and unfamiliar with Windows, there’s a new Get Started app that quickly teaches you the basics of Windows 11 . )

Amid the challenges and changes in the way we work in the digital world, Windows 11 is also designed to Comes with awesome features to support work like Multi-tasking Get the most complete performance of Snap Layouts and Snap Groups. Help you organize the screens that open apps. There are several windows to divide the screen area in a way that you can use it well for every app. Make multitasking more seamless and fluid. also open Virtual Desktops More, separate areas for each screen to be more suitable for each moment of daily life. which may be split into a screen for working, studying or playing games, increasing the convenience when using the computer to work double

2. can create a better life By connecting with the people you care about as much as you want

having a good life. It also depends on good relationships. Windows 11 provides a new experience for users to connect more quickly with the people you care about by embedding. Microsoft Teams included located on the taskbar for easy access. It can be used for remote meetings, online classes, and to communicate with loved ones through text, images, audio or video, or to send and receive work files back and forth. Another plus is that it supports cross-platform compatibility on PCs for both Windows, iOS and Android, making it easy to communicate across platforms.

Only is not enough In a world where millions of people spend more time meeting online through apps, Windows 11 is here to help. Reduce the chance of missing out on the microphone. With an on-off button that clicks instantly, no matter which app is open And another function for travelers or if we want to work from anywhere at any time, Windows 11 also comes with Redocking that remembers the screen we used last time. We unplug and start using it again. Everything will go back to the way it was. no need to reopen Users do not have to waste time remembering tasks or entertainment. which is left open anymore

3. Update every event before anyone else with quality tools that control work as well AI

in an era where technology infiltrates everyday life. It’s advantageous to have early access to information that interests everyone. Windows 11 comes with a powerful browser. Microsoft Edge and has brought back Widgets personalized feeds that were previously available in Windows 7. to use again in a new way with its own icon Powered by AI that helps collect and filtering information that is frequently used including providing users with access to information of interest weather news Other appointments quickly Widgets can also be adjusted to fit the lifestyle of each user as well

part Microsoft Store The Windows app download storefront has undergone a complete makeover. Facilitates searching and downloading apps. Come to use it more comfortably and there are many new apps coming down. Help build meaningful experiences and connect the stories perfectly

4. Experience major game victories with unmatched performance on the most powerful gaming PCs


Windows 11 lets you play games at the highest standard. Gain an edge over your opponents through unlocking hardware. and software to work at its full potential This is complemented by outstanding new features that make the game play more effective as well, such as Auto HDR that adds color and shadows in many ways. Make games more vivid and eye-catching on HDR-capable screens, even if the game doesn’t support HDR, and immerse yourself in the gaming experience with high-quality graphics that are realistic. and a fluid frame rate too. DirectX 12 Ultimate also supports technology DirectStorage Can transfer game data directly from SSD to graphics card, helping to load games and game scenes faster than ever

5. Advance with new innovations Build an ecosystem for the world of tomorrow.

Windows 11 offers the widest range of devices, including touch enhancements, get better Support for voice commands new touch keyboard with themes and connecting smart devices that support a full range of mouse, pen and touch screen to work together seamlessly Ready to provide comfort and efficiency in life. As for the functions of the stylus, it has been adapted to be useful. Free delivery in every line Fluid with every natural writing. It is also possible to set pen actions as well. To do so, tap the pen icon in the taskbar, open the Edit pen menu, and then pin frequently used programs. Keep it for immediate use. Plus, there are many other pinning programs, such as Paint and Snipping tools, etc.


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