Lakeland, TN Author Publishes Suspense Novel

No One Could See, a new book by Sandy Kemp Parish, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

No One Could See is based on the true story of a kidnapping that took place in November of 1981 and regales the tale of how one town got together to save an innocent girl.

THE BUSTLING CITY OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, is suddenly focused on a missing fifteen-year-old girl named Melanie McClain. The year is 1981 and the innocent girl’s disappearance has baffled everyone, including the police. With no solid leads and not much to go on, it seems this case may go unsolved. But with the help of a determined detective, all hope may not be lost quite yet, as Melanie prays and desperately waits in agony while being held captive in a nearby church attic.

About the Author
Sandy Kemp Parish worked as an interior designer throughout the Mid-South. She was lucky, having good jobs and working with good people. She loves the Memphis Grizzlies and traveling. Sandy found this book, which she had written 38 years ago, and decided to take a chance on it.

No One Could See is a 272-page paperback with a retail price of $21.00 (hardback $33.00, eBook $16.00). The ISBN is 979-8-88925-260-3. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For members of the press, to request a review copy or author interview, please visit or to buy the book, visit our online bookstore at

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