Chvrches’ Iain Cook Remixes the Cranberries’ “Linger”: Listen

Chvrches’ Iain Cook has made a new remix of the Cranberries’ 1993 single “Linger.” Listen to the new track below.

According to a press release, Cook made his new track by deconstructing the original and reassembling it, keeping intact the vocal melody of the late singer Dolores O’Riordan. “When I got the stems, the first thing I did was listen to Dolores’ vocal tracks in isolation,” he explained. “Hearing those for the first time was magical; I was shocked by the intimacy and emotion in her performance. The first thing I did was to sit with the vocals on their own and rework the chords on piano. I often find that this is a great starting point with remixes as it helps you to shake off some associations that you have with the song, and this is a song which I’ve known and loved for over 30 years.”

In a statement, Cranberries drummer Fergal Lawler, said, “Iain did an outstanding job in remixing ‘Linger.’ He reimagined the song completely, creating a fresh and upbeat version of this classic.” He added, “Dolores’s original vocal is retained and sounds so beautiful and vulnerable at times. I’m sure she would have loved it.”

“Linger” featured on the Cranberries’ 1993 debut, Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?

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