The funds were required to establish a professional mechanism for the provision of regeneration to Corona patients

Director General of the Ministry of Health Prof. Nachman Ash informed the HMO directors that a professional mechanism should be established in each of them to discuss Corona patients who do not meet the criteria for receiving the drug Regeneron – a preparation based on monoclonal antibodies and given by infusion to Corona patients In mild or moderate condition who are at high risk of developing a serious illness. As of today (Thursday), the HMOs have started giving the drug according to the criteria that each one defines. Regeneron treatment is given by infusion and will be given in the patient’s home by a team of doctor and nurse who will arrive at the home in a mobile with full protection with the medical equipment required to provide the treatment. According to Dr. Doron Netzer, head of the medical department at Clalit’s community division, “In the past week we have been completing the preparations to ensure the provision of regenerative care in the homes of Corona patients. This is a drug that can save lives and prevent a serious illness if given at an early stage. “

According to Prof. Ran Blitzer, director of Clalit’s innovation department, In determining the objective priority of those infected in a mild condition according to the risk of deterioration to a severe condition. Clalit was the first to develop a predictive model for deterioration in an artificial intelligence-based corona and implement it in the field as early as March 2020. Vaccination with the corona vaccine, the patient’s age and more, in a manner adapted to the reality of the Delta strain and the effects of the vaccine. The model is available to all funds to ensure early treatment for patients who need it. “

As reported yesterday, several thousand doses of the drug have been purchased by the Ministry of Health The one that cost about $ 1,500 per patient. Prof. Ash noted: “I would like to emphasize that the preparation is a national resource in short supply and every effort must be made to prevent waste and destruction of doses or a dose of the preparation to those who do not meet the criteria.”

In this context, Prof. Oren Vegetarian, director of the Infectious Diseases Unit at Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot, quoted in Haaretz as saying: “The big challenge is to find the optimal criteria for determining the use of this drug. If we succeed in achieving that for every nine doses that are given to patients, we will avoid two patients in a difficult situation – that would be good. “

“The idea of ​​treatment with monoclonal antibodies (monoclonals) seems very promising and shows very consistent results,” added Prof. Vegetarian, a member of the Corona Treatment Selection Committee as part of the CCTV. Immediate improvement is seen that is not seen in other treatments. We do not currently have anything else and better to offer to patients, “added a vegetarian. Verified, for example a family member living with him.

In the US, especially in southern countries where many residents are afraid to get vaccinated, there is a willingness to accept the drug which is still an experimental treatment approved only for emergencies. Not only does Regeneron produce this type of preparation, but also Eli Lilly, and the orders they received soared quickly: from 27,000 a week in July to about 170,000 a week in August. But the federal government has already announced that the nationwide supply of the drug based on monoclonal antibodies – an experimental medical innovation no less than the vaccines that have already been developed and are currently given to millions of people worldwide – is about to be reduced. Seven states in the United States have purchased about 70 percent of all the dishes produced so far. In the autumn and winter it is estimated that the administration will have 1.8 million doses of the drug. Many hospitals do not know for sure if they will receive from this supply.

But US doctors claim that Like investing in car insurance without brakes. ” They clarify: “It is important to note that antibody treatment alone can not cope with the epidemic. One vaccine protects many from exposure to the disease while an antibody infusion may help, perhaps, only one patient and the infusion should be given no later than ten days – some believe even long before “From the day the first symptoms appear. They help most patients, but giving the infusion once does not protect against a serious illness if they become infected with the virus again.”

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