Not accident, but intentional: SP on death of Odisha BJP leaders in road mishap 

The road mishap in which two BJP leaders were killed after a Hyva truck hit their car on the Kantapali flyover on the Sambalpur-Bargarh National Highway was a deliberate crash, said Police on Monday.  

The deceased leaders were BJP Goshala Mandal president Debendra Nayak and former sarpanch Muralidhar Chhuria.

Approximately 48 hours after the tragedy, Superintendent of Police Mukesh Bhamoo disclosed that the driver of the Hyva vehicle intentionally caused a collision by crashing into the rear of the victim’s car, based on clear evidence from CCTV footage.

Also Read: Bargarh accident: Pre-planned murder of two BJP leaders suspected

Police are continuing their enquiry and are working to confirm whether the driver had any accomplices during the time of the fatal incident. The suspect has been inconsistent in his statements throughout the interrogation, prompting the police to seek further scientific evidence to ascertain the true motivations behind the attack.

“The driver of the Hyva truck hit the car intentionally. This is why we have registered a case against him under sections 307 and 302 of BNS. During interrogation, he is inconsistent in his statements,” said Mukesh Bhamoo, Sambalpur SP. 

The tragic accident that claimed the lives of two BJP leaders has left many questioning the true intent behind the event. Was it merely an unfortunate incident, or were more sinister motives at play? The incident, which involved a Hyva truck and the BJP leaders’ vehicle, has fuelled rumours about deliberate targeting.

Also Read: 6 persons arrested over ‘witchcraft on elderly woman’ in Odisha

Meanwhile, BJP MLA from Sambalpur Jayanarayan Mishra speculated that the Hyva driver had been hired to kill someone else and he mistakenly killed the deceased. 

“What I think is that he (Hyva driver) had taken suapri (contract money) to kill someone. He killed them mistakenly,” said Mishra. 

On the other hand, after the sad demise of Nayak and Chhuria, a pall of gloom has descended on the Sambalpur BJP party office with the party members remembering their contributions to the organisation, the party, and the community as invaluable. 

“They will remain alive in us. We are in shock after losing leaders like them,” a BJP worker said.

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