Dan Biggar says Wales face biggest match in 20 years as he denies agenda

Dan Biggar says next week’s clash with Italy is Wales’ biggest match in the last two decades.

Warren Gatland’s side head to Rome next week on the back of a record 13 straight Test defeats, having been comprehensively beaten 43-0 by France in Paris on Friday night.

The defeat at the Stade de France was their seventh successive loss in the Six Nations, while it was the first time they had been nilled in any Test in 18 years, while the last time they were kept scoreless in the tournament was in the 1998 Five Nations.

The 43-point margin was just one shy of their worst-ever defeat in the Six Nations and it now begs the question of how Wales can turn things around against Italy next week.

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Defeat in Rome would leave Wales in severe danger of a second successive wooden spoon, while it could well spell the end of Gatland’s second reign in charge of the national team.

“First thing, Jac Morgan was exceptional,” said former Wales fly-half Biggar on ITV’s coverage. “I thought he was one who can really hold his hands up.

“But where do you go for Welsh rugby at the minute? We’ve just equalled our worst-ever Six Nations run of seven defeats, first time being nilled (in the tournament) since 1998, extended the losing run to 13 games.

“For me, this game next week is the biggest in Welsh rugby for the last 15 or 20 years. I’m not saying that light-heartedly. It’s a huge, huge match.”

Referring to Gatland’s comments about negativity, with the Wales coach having spoken frequently about it in the past three years since returning, Biggar added: “Everyone is saying about an agenda, in terms of the negativity, but it’s very difficult to be overly positive because of the defeats and the way Wales are playing at the minute.

“The big thing is what does Warren Gatland do next week?”

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