Clare Waight Keller reveals her Devil Wears Prada ambition

Clare Waight Keller wants to work on the ‘Devil Wears Prada’ sequel.

The Uniqlo artistic director – who famously designed Meghan, Duchess of Sussex’s wedding dress when she was at Givenchy – would love to be responsible for costume design on the long-awaited sequel.

Asked if there’s a movie she’d like to appear in, Clare told Harper’s Bazaar magazine: “Actually, I would most like to do the costume design for the next ‘Devil Wears Prada’.

“You can’t get more fashion-packed than that.”

It was claimed last summer that a follow-up to the 2006 movie – which starred Meryl Streep as Runway magazine editor Miranda Priestly and Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt as her assistants – was already in the works.

Emily later admitted that she had heard “rumblings” about a sequel.

Speaking at the Red Sea Film Festival, Emily said: “There’s rumblings, there’s stuff churning around, but I don’t know if I can confirm anything completely … but we would all be delighted to work together again.”

Emily also admitted to being surprised by the success of the original film.

The actress said: “I just didn’t know anything back then. I remember my agent calling me on the opening weekend and saying, ‘It made this’. I was like, ‘Is that good?’

“When we were filming it, we were weeping with laughter every day. We thought we were making something funny … but I didn’t know that it would become this thing that would catch fire in the way that it did … it’s quoted to me every week now.”

Emily believes the film changed the course of her career, too.

She said: “Playing that character, who was so insane, it paved the way for people to see me more as a character actor rather than someone who should just be in a period drama … a lot of British people are just subjected to wearing a garnet or a crown at some point.”

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