The tears of 'Yes'



@ Matador000

Julio César González was born in Pereira in 1969. He started as an advertising creative. His first humorous works were made for the newspaper ‘El Fuete’ and for the film gazette of Comfamiliar, in his hometown. He has participated in biennials of humor and satire in Grabovo (Bulgaria). His works have been published in the ‘Diario del Otún’, ‘La Tarde’, ‘El Espectador’, ‘Semana Magazine’, ‘Credencial Magazine’, ‘Portfolio’, ‘Soho’ and ‘DONJUAN Magazine’, among other media National and international. He is currently a cartoonist for the newspaper EL TIEMPO. He has been listed by ‘People’ magazine as one of the world’s most handsome cartoonists.

Last Cartoon

Las lágrimas del ‘Sí’

The tears from ‘Yes’

By : Bullfighter

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