Jared Isaacman shares views from space using an iPhone

While the Inspiration4 crew was in space conducting medical research and chatting with St Jude patients, they also took the opportunity to get some “out-of-this-world” pictures. While they had a professional camera with them, they have just as many, if not more pictures and videos taken with iPhones.

We previously discussed the use of Apple products and the medical research on the Inspiration4 mission, ranging from ECG activity monitoring with Apple Watch Series 6’s to conducting ultrasounds using iPhone 12 Pros and a Butterfly IQ+. Apple products served as important and versatile tools at the center of this research, but the iPhones also served as a method to take some stunning pictures.

The Inspiration4 mission launched on September 15th to an altitude of 574 kilometers (357.3 miles). That’s higher than the International Space Station! This allowed the crew of Inspiration4 to see the world as very few have before. SpaceX added a cupola to the crew dragon capsule to provide a panoramic view of the Earth. While the Netflix documentary gave us some great views from the mission, we’re getting even more on Twitter. Inspiration4 Mission commander Jared Isaacman and the rest of the crew have shared a handful of iPhone videos and pictures from space at this point and we’re going to highlight a few here for you!

Cool video from cupola w/ xenomorph. In hindsight, it wasn’t worth the trouble of repacking the alien and probably took away from the video… but the view is pretty incredible and my kids will like the
Shot from: iPhone. pic.twitter.com/OB0KTIlv0y

— Jared Isaacman (@rookisaacman) September 24, 2021

A video over Brazil from first day on orbit. Shot w/iPhone but hopefully we can get some of ⁦@inspiration4x⁩ Nikon shots out soon. Such a privilege to see our from this perspective. We need to take far better care of our home planet and also reaching for the stars. pic.twitter.com/mAQw6eK8Ui

— Jared Isaacman (@rookisaacman) September 25, 2021


While the pictures that are taken by iPhones seldom match the quality of professional cameras, I think we can all agree that they can be just as impactful. There’s something more human and relatable when you see pictures from space taken with a phone that you could be using right this very moment. Inspiration4 demonstrated that ordinary people like you and me can and will go to space, one day. While we may bicker and fight about things down here on Earth, you realize how insignificant everything seems once you’re up there.

This is why I love space. This is my Inspiration.

Featured Image Credit: Jared Issacman

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