Cycling: Italian Colbrelli ahead of van der Poel and triumphs over Paris-Roubaix hell

The European champion Sonny Colbrelli (Bahrain) won in the sprint and after a dantesque Paris-Roubaix, this Sunday, October 3.

The European champion, the Italian Sonny Colbrelli, won Paris-Roubaix on Sunday in his first participation in an exceptionally muddy edition. Colbrelli (Bahrain) beat in a sprint on the Roubaix velodrome his last two companions, the Belgian Florian Vermeersch and the Dutch Mathieu van der Poel, before collapsing, screaming his joy, on the lawn.

ud83c udfc6 ud83d udc4f ud83c uddee ud83c uddf9 MONSTROUS SONNY COLBRELLI !! ud83d udeb4 For his first participation in # ParisRoubaix , the Italian wins an XXL edition in dire weather conditions! Florian Vermeersch and Mathieu Van der Poel complete the podium.

— francetvsport (@francetvsport) October 3, 2021

Irresistible since the spring, the Italian removed his first “monument” at the age of 31. Although with around thirty victories to his credit, he had never yet reached the podium of a great classic. Behind the trio, the Italian Gianni Moscon, who had glimpsed success until a puncture 30 kilometers from the finish and then a crash, took fourth place 44 seconds behind his compatriot. The Belgian Wout van Aert, one of the big favorites, finished 7th in a group settled by his compatriot Yves Lampert (5th) ahead of the Frenchman Christophe Laporte (6th).

Van der Poel, in vain

On the sodden and mud-covered cobbles, van der Poel made a strong impression in a race that turned to the disadvantage of his great rival, Belgian Wout van Aert, and number one team, Deceuninck. Generous and lavish of his efforts, van der Poel found himself alone in the pursuit group behind Moscon, who left alone to attack 53 kilometers from the finish. He could not then cause the decision in the trio of neophytes who fought for the victory.

The first neophyte winner since 1955 Colbrelli is the second rider to win the “queen of the classics” in his first participation. Apart from the German Josef Fischer who opened the prize list in 1896, the Frenchman Jean Forestier is the only neophyte, in 1955, to have won from his beginnings.

It’s the race of my dreams with the Tour of Flanders

“It’s the race of my dreams with the Tour of Flanders”, exulted the winner. “I followed van der Poel in the final, I did a great sprint. I focused on van der Poel but the guy from Lotto-Soudal (Vermeersch) almost surprised me. I managed to switch to 25 meters from the finish “. The Lombard rider succeeds the Belgian Philippe Gilbert, winner in 2019 and this time behind before the halfway mark. He signed the 12th Italian victory, but the first in the 21st century (Andrea Tafi, last Italian winner in 1999).

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