Neighbors say that they joked with Goran Đokić at the expense of too much car care.

 Source: Kurir / Marko Smiljković / D.Ilić

“They were wonderful people. The woman was quiet, nice, kind, a real housewife. the daughter could not have been different – a real angel “, this is what the neighbors say about the brutally murdered Đokić family – Goran, Gordana and their daughter Lidija (25) in Aleksinac.

Those who knew them well say that they were always smiling and went together almost everywhere.

The sellers from the bar around the exchange office that Goran kept in Aleksinac, and which he named after his daughter’s nickname – “Liki”, say that he “was always nice and smiling.”

However, what they talk about how much he drove a car about his car indicates that it is really possible to Đokić hid the money in the car, in the spare wheel that was not found in the burning car.

To remind, this information was stated by Gor new relatives as a possible motive for the liquidation of the whole family. According to unofficial information, they said that Goran often carried the money in the car, in the spare wheel, and that he knew how to hide up to 100,000 euros. They also said that he said that he was most sure that the money was with him.

Neighbors from the bar around Goran’s exchange office state that he always took care of the car unusually much. .

“Neighbor Goran was always nice and smiling, we would drink coffee in front of the bar and joke with him as much as he watches the car. It was not daring dust to fall on him, when it was raining under the car there was not allowed to be water so we helped him to remove the water with brooms, when it was hot – as the shade moved he parked the car.We joked with him that he was like Stevo Žigon in that series “Masters”, and he laughed. They were really wonderful people “emphasize the neighbors from the bar next door.

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