DEPUTY'S WORK: Government responds to Anderson's recommendation and starts virtual classes for the public network

The appointment of deputy Anderson Pereira was a measure so that the students did not have the school year impaired

Indicated by state deputy Anderson Pereira (PROS), the Government of the State of Rondônia, through the State Department of Education (SEDUC), started since last week, Wednesday (8), the delivery of virtual classes for students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of public high school.The appointment of Deputy Anderson Pereira was a measure so that the students did not have the school year impaired, due to the in-person classes having been suspended due to the public calamity decree signed by the government as a way to prevent COVID19 – Coronavirus. Classes are planned and taught by state teachers who work in Technological Mediation, made available through the “Google classroom” platform, through timetables containing the themes of the classes and access links, where the student is directed to watch the videos. classes on the Technological Mediation channel on YouTube. The student will receive a specific code and have access to classes by curricular component.The online classes last about forty minutes and SEDUC recommends that students attend during the regular hours of in-person activities, taking the time to organize which class they will attend, to maintain a daily study routine.For the parliamentarian, it is a very important measure, as in addition to occupying students in this period of social isolation, it keeps learning, knowledge up to date, and improves studies and content so that students who prepare for Enem, entrance exams and public tenders.The deputy took the opportunity to thank the commitment of the executive and SEDUC who responded to the nomination.

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