Sprite Fantasia hits the 500k pre-registrations milestone, hyping up the 3D MMORPG ahead of its launch

Sprite Fantasia, the adorable sequel to the classic “Grand Fantasia Online”, has now reached 500,000 pre-registrations for the 3D adventure MMORPG. Featuring cute sprites that bring fantastic journeys and a whole lotta humour, the upcoming mobile title takes players on an unforgettable adventure throughout the mysterious continent of Saphael.

Players will travel as a Sprite messenger and battle against an alien civilization in Sprite Fantasia, using different classes with their own unique attributes. For instance, the Archer class deals devastating damage to enemies with the bow, providing long-range cover with its sharpshooting skills. The Mage class, on the other hand, offers elemental support and offensive AOE damage with its mastery of flame, ice, and lightning.

You’ll have to build the most strategic team lineup to defeat your foes, and equip your sprites with memory cards to unleash powerful skills. When you’re not engaged in combat, you can relax and make furniture in your workshop, as well as design your island and send your sprites on errands. The game also features different outfits you can collect as you progress through the story.

Since Sprite Fantasia opened pre-registrations last September 10th, the game has reached important global milestones for sign-ups, which also means more rewards for players once the game officially launches. If you’re eager to join in on the adventure, you can pre-order on the iOS App Store or on the Google Play Store for Android devices. It’s a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. You can also register on the official website to score awesome in-game goodies and get a headstart when the game is finally out.

Are you on the hunt for more engaging role-playing titles that you can obsess over on your mobile device? Why not have a look at our list of the top 25 best RPGs for Android phones and tablets phones and tablets?

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