Preliminary data: There is no increase in cases of myocarditis after the booster


Studies Preliminary data from a study led by Prof. Dror Mevorach indicate: About 30% of young people aged 19-16 have already been vaccinated in Israel with a third vaccine dose and no increase in the incidence of myocarditis

has been observed.

Preliminary data from a study led by Prof. Dror Mevorach from Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem show that there is no increase in the number of cases of myocarditis after receiving the third vaccine dose. This was reported on the news yesterday “Here 11”.

An article by Prof. Mevorach on this subject is about to be published in a few weeks in a professional newspaper. It focuses on the study of the link between myocarditis and the vaccine. The data are collected in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. The article is based on data from Israel after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This week also began a study by the Center for Disease Control to examine the marginal and transient side effects of the third vaccine such as fever and body aches. Today, according to various estimates, there are under-reports of these symptoms from the health authorities in the country.

According to the study’s authors, there are fewer cases of myocarditis compared to what was expected after receiving the second dose. About 30% of young people aged 19-16 have already been vaccinated in Israel with a third vaccine dose and no increase in the incidence of this side effect has been observed. Similar data also appeared among the older public.

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