Anesthesiologist suspected of 24 poisonings attempted suicide

Doctor Péchier had been charged with causing cardiac arrests, poisoning patients and killing 9 people.

F redéric Péchier, anesthesiologist from Besançon suspected of 24 poisonings including nine fatal, “tried to end his life”, announced Tuesday his lawyers, according to whom “his condition is critical” and his “reserved prognosis” “He threw himself a few days ago from a high window of his parents’ house, in the suburbs of Poitiers, where he has been placed under judicial control” since 2019, detailed one of his defenders , Me Lionel Béthune de Moro.

The anesthesiologist was on Tuesday morning in the intensive care unit of the Poitiers hospital where his condition was considered “stationary”.

Prohibited from working

“Placed under judicial supervision, he was banned from his profession, removed from the region where he lived and separated from his family and his three children. With the passage of time and the errors of the procedure, hope has given up ”, also affirm in a short press release his three lawyers Mes Jean Yves Leborgne, Randall Schwerdorffer and Lionel Béthune de Moro.

“It has been thirty months since he was heard by justice”, added to AFP Me Béthune de Moro, according to whom “the investigation has not changed much, apart from a few psychiatric expertises” contested by the Besançon prosecutor’s office. “He’s someone who is desperate… He was named as the worst bastard and there were 30 months of proceedings without anything happening,” his sister said in Besançon. “He would prefer to go to trial right away so that we can listen to him.” ” Dr Péchier, 49, was charged with a total of 24 patient poisonings between 2008 and the end of 2016, nine of whom died. He is suspected of having polluted the infusion bags of these patients, aged 4 to 80, to cause cardiac arrests and then to demonstrate his talents as a resuscitator and to discredit colleagues from the Besançon clinics with whom he was in conflict.

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