Positive effect ?: Why some women do without tampons from now on

Writer Sarah Kuttner caused a stir with a post on Twitter: She wrote that she no longer used tampons and that she no longer had severe period pain.

Many women quickly contacted them it was similar. But also many women for whom it did not help.

Many women and menstruating people are familiar with this particular pain during their period, when the uterus rejects its lining because the egg has not been fertilized.

It does not only occur in the abdomen or abdomen, but can also occur in the back. The pain comes from the uterus tensing up when the mucous membrane is shed.

Are tampons related to period pains?

But what is it about Sarah Kuttner’s observation? Research has so far not been able to prove a direct connection between worsening period pain caused by tampons.

In conversation with the portal ‘Prevention’ explains Elisa Ross, gynecologist at Cleveland Clinic Women’s Health Institute that switching from a tampon to a menstrual cup can reduce pain and cramps in some cases.

How painful the mensturation cramps are perceived also depends on how much one’s own pain perception is. Fibroids or endometriosis can also cause severe pain during your period.

Nevertheless, many women now switch from tampons to menstrual cups or Period underwear . This is also due to the fact that these products are much more sustainable than tampons or sanitary towels.

They do not have to be changed as often and thus also ensure a more relaxed period. But other factors also speak against the use of tampons.

Tried menstruation without a tampon. Suddenly no more period pains worth mentioning. Googled: seems a thing! WTF? 🤯 All the bad years!

– Sarah Kuttner (@KuttnerSarah) September 28, 2021

Tampons carry this risk

Using large tampons but only bleeding lightly can increase the risk of infection, according to the magazine ‘Spectrum’ reported. Because the tampon can soak up vaginal secretion, which is actually there to protect the vagina from germs. Constantly changing the tampon can also help.

Nevertheless, a tampon should be changed at least every three hours, depending on how full it is. Because tampons increase the risk of suffering from toxic shock syndrome (TSS).

Since tampons usually contain synthetic fibers in addition to cotton and are very absorbent, they offer a good breeding ground for bacteria such as staphylococci.

They can emit toxic substances that trigger the shock syndrome. According to the professional association of gynecologists such an infection comes in connection with the period very rarely before.

Symptoms are, for example, high fever, a sunburn-like rash or rapidly falling blood pressure. It is important to change the tampon regularly and to wash your hands thoroughly before and afterwards.

A menstrual cup should also be hygienically clean before it is inserted in order to avoid infection.

Reading tip

This helps against severe period pain

For menstrual pain, even light remedies such as exercise or warmth such as a Heat cushions to tie around help. In the case of strong cravers, the only thing that helps is to take pain-relieving medication.

A popular means of permanently relieving period pain is Chasteberry . Hormonal contraceptives such as the pill are also often recommended – but this approach has recently been increasingly criticized.

Take care of yourself and admit to yourself when your pain is too severe to carry on normally in everyday life. Don’t be ashamed of period pain. If you are in severe pain, you need rest and often also medical advice to clarify whether there is more to the pain.

This article first appeared on BUNTE.de .

Reading tips

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