Even after a board resolution… Hwacheon Daeyu's '5 billion severance pay' tax evasion and breach of trust



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絿絻 ڻȸ ȭõ Ȥ Ŀ ִ  нȸ踦Ⱦɰ Ȥ ָ past ִ. Ư ȭõ 縦 outputȸ ȣ ûؿ ֻ ̿Ȧ ν µ Ȯεƴ. 籹ȸ踦Ⱦɰ Ȥ ָ縰 ִ. ȭõ ȸ Jin ν ɼ ִ?


ȭõ Out ȸ Jane ü ð 73% ϴ ̷ ȸ 縦羾Ҵ. 5 ȭõ Paper 2018 ð 317ð ̵ 461ð, 582ð Ȯ. 2 ð 1.8 Quality ÷Ȱ, ο ռ ȸ 5 ؿ 7 ÷ȴ.

δ 縦ȭ ؿ 7 3 73% ϴ 425ð 谰 ̵ ڰ 縱繹鱱 2 ȸ翴. 2019 ϰȸ 3 396ð(86%) Ҿ 縦ֵ ̴. ؿ ̻ ǰ ð 45ð 40ð, ​​20ð 16ð پ. ð ٰ, ʺ ð þ ̴.

ȸ ڴ “ȸ ˼ϰ, ǰǿ ħ ҹ ƴ ð 70% ñ ̷̰ ν ɼ” out.

Play 3 ΰ ǽ Ȯ ȸ ð'(0)’. ȸ 迡Ǽ װ ν ƴ ȸ ϰ ִ. 籹ڴ “ȸ ð ̸ ̷ “̶ “ǰ谡Ȯ “̶ eli .

50 ¡Really?


ȭõ paper ν Ȥ Ƶ ä 50 Ѵ . ȭõ 5 ̻ Saved paper Ʊ ̴. ȸ װ ä ø ȸ̶ ִ. Paper 139,400 ₱ ξ ϴ.

ٸ, pass ʼ ƴϱ 籹ϴ ¡ ȿ ģٴ ǰ ټ. 籹ڴ “ų Ǵ ̻ȸ ǿ ÷ Ǵ κ ʼ ƴϱ ٷ н̶ ϱ ƴ”” Ǽ Ǵؾ ϸ Ϲ ּ, ¡ĸ ִ ȸ, ּ 473

ó ϴ?


50 ȸ Thank you paperٴ Ż Ȥ ȭ ִ. Ϲ ​​552 ִ. 50 ϰ 28. ȸ 迡 Pan Ǵ ٷμҵ漼 10 ̻ ְ 45% 輼ҵ漼ٹ 鼭ҵڶ ϴ 20% ǿ ȸ ȭ õ ϸ Կ ÷ ϸ ÷ ִ.

Ż ƴϴ Ը ٰŰ ο ظ ɼ ִ. ȸ ڴ “ֱ Ϻ ʰ ʰų ּȭ ʾ å û ǻ ٷμҵ̳ ٸٴ Ǵ ٷμҵ漼¡ϴ ʰ ִ” “ո ̻ȸ ƴ ٰŰ ӿ ִ” . ()



籹ȭõ 縦出ȸο غϰ ʴ. װ ȿ ؼ ϴ ʰ ֱ ̴. 籹ڴ “̹ ȿ ͸ ϰ 汹 ̳ ѱȸȸ ȹ” “籹” ̶ Exclude.

Exclude ȸ ȸ 20 ұԸ װ ǿ ִ. 2014 ȣ ǿ ϴ ûؿ ֻ ̿Ȧ Fei¡ ִ

[ ][ ϰ & mk.co.kr, ]

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