Heroic act at the Košice marathon: Policeman Lukáš brought an injured runner to the finish line on his hands

More than 7,000 runners took part in this year’s International Peace Marathon in Košice. Apart from the media location, the policeman Lukáš became famous, who exchanged his better position for a beautiful act of sports fair play.

The Peace Marathon in Košice has been held since 1924, making it the third oldest marathon in the world and even the first oldest in Europe. Last year was significantly affected by the pandemic and measures, and in 2021 this traditional sporting event returned to Slovakia’s second largest city in a much larger style.

The number of participants was according to the portal Sportnet more than 7,000 and during the race there were several important moments. The winner of the marathon was Kenyan Reuben Kerio, who won the Peace for the second time out of three participations in the International Peace Marathon. Among other things, Kerio missed the absolute record of the Košice marathon by only 17 seconds last Sunday, when it reached the finish line in 2:07:18. However, the record was broken by women. Tadesse Kumela Ayantu won for the women and broke the record in almost half a second.

However, the runner Lukáš, who works at the Košice Regional Directorate of the Police Force, made a great gesture from the sports as well as the human side. “Approximately 300 m before the finish of the half marathon, he noticed a woman on the running track, whose final completion of the race was prevented by a sudden spasm. The policeman with the starting number 3,438 decided without hesitation that he would help the injured athlete in all circumstances to fulfill the dream and reach the desired goal. You can see what an admirable technique he has chosen in the attached photo, which has received positive feedback from a wide audience, “, the department chief Roman Mikulec wrote in gratitude.

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