*** BILDplus content *** Gottschalk and Karina greetings from paradise

Thomas Gottschalk and his Karina | Greetings from paradise

… and he congratulates Helene on her pregnancy

Thomas Gottschalk und seine Karina: Liebes-Grüße aus dem Paradies
Photo: private

Article from: tanja may published on

White sandy beach, turquoise sea, pleasantly warm 27 degrees and lots of love.

Thomas Gottschalk (71) and his charming partner Karina Mroß (59) send BILD exclusive snapshots from the vacation paradise on the Seychelles, where they (a little late) toasted their third anniversary with champagne.

For congratulations to the pregnant Schlager queen Helene Fischer, the show master also has time on vacation. In BILD he congratulates exclusively – to be read with BILDplus.

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