Scandal in the Justice of the Republic of Moldova. The Attorney General, detained for 72 hours. Searches with masks in his office

The General Prosecutor of the Republic of Moldova, Alexandr Stoianoglo, was detained on Tuesday afternoon in the General Prosecutor’s Office building, writes, which states that the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office has started the criminal investigation against him. The Prosecutor General was detained for 72 hours.

Moldovan prosecutors search the office of the head of the General Prosecutor’s Office , according to sources. The prosecutor from the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, Victor Furtună, decided to start the criminal investigation against the General Prosecutor, Alexandr Stoianoglo. Both Stoianoglo and his deputies were suspended.

Horoscop zilnic: Horoscopul zilei de 6 octombrie 2021. Lună Nouă în zodia Balanță VIDEO | Ciolacu, despre suspendarea lui Iohannis:  Să vorbim de un demers de suspendare fără o majoritate, mi se pare o temă falsă

05 Oct, 23:53 | Political news

VIDEO | Ciolacu: Prin mărirea salariului minim impozitat, Florin Cîțu făcut o șmecherie pentru bani la buget, să mărească colectarea

05 Oct, 23:30 | Political news

VIDEO | Ciolacu: Prin mărirea salariului minim impozitat, Florin Cîțu făcut o șmecherie pentru bani la buget, să mărească colectarea

The Attorney General was picked up in disguise from his office

The Minister of Justice, Sergiu Litvinenco, confirmed the suspension of the Prosecutor General from office.

„A few minutes ago I was informed by e-mail that the prosecutor appointed today by the CSP to analyze the complaint of Lilian Carp decided to start the criminal investigation against the General Prosecutor, Alexandr Stoianoglo . According to art. 55/1 of Law no. 3/2016 on the Prosecutor’s Office, “the mandate of the General Prosecutor in respect of which the criminal investigation was initiated under the conditions of art. 270 paragraph (7) of the Code of Criminal Procedure is suspended by law during the criminal investigation ”.

Also, by the effect of the law (art. .18 paragraph (4) Law no.3 / 2016 on the Prosecutor’s Office) are suspended by law and the Deputy Prosecutor General.

„Therefore, at this moment we do not have a leadership of

Although the law provides that the CSP is convened in session within 5 days of such a situation, I consider it necessary to convene an extraordinary hearing today

, to select and propose an interim Attorney General to the President of the country.

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