CORONAVIRUS: Rapid tests and PPE are distributed to 52 municipalities

The distribution of the 4,800 rapid tests for diagnosis of Covid-19, which arrived on April 2nd, for the 52 municipalities of Rondônia, is already in its final phase

The distribution of the 4,800 rapid tests for diagnosis by Covid-19, which arrived on April 2nd, for the 52 municipalities of Rondônia, is already in its final phase. The State Government, through the State Department of Health (Sesau) allocated the tests to municipalities to primarily serve professionals who work in health and safety services in activity and family members, diagnosed with flu-like illness, who live in the same household. The Government of Rondônia received the tests from the Ministry of Health and transferred it to the Council of Municipal Health Secretaries (COSEMS/RO), which is responsible for transferring it to the municipalities, based on predetermined criteria. According to TECHNICAL NOTE Nº 17/2020/AGEVISA-SCI – Rapid Tests for Diagnosis by COVID-19, published on the transparency portal, only workers who are presenting symptoms can be tested. With a minimum of seven full days, from the onset of the flu-like symptoms and a minimum of 72 asymptomatic hours.As the largest population group on the front line to the coronavirus, health and safety professionals need to have this priority, as they are the most important workforce at this time, as highlighted by Health Secretary Fernando Máximo.“We have to take care of those who take care of us all, that’s why our doctors, nurses, nursing technicians, police officers and other professionals in these two areas need to be tested.”The incubation time of the virus is a crucial factor for the effectiveness of the test, since people with the disease but who have not yet manifested symptoms can infect other people, even if they are in the asymptomatic period of the disease.”The distribution of the tests is proportional to the number of inhabitants in each municipality and is being carried out in partnership with Funasa (National Health Foundation) and the Ministry of Health”, explained COSEMS director Vera Lúcia Quadros.EPIS AND INPUTS In addition to the tests, the Government of Rondônia is also reinforcing the Personal Protective Equipment and supplies for the municipalities so that they can act in the fight against the coronavirus. Shipping is also being done by Cosems/RO.The test must be carried out respecting the following conditions: Public health and safety workers: minimum of seven full days, from the onset of flu syndrome symptoms, and minimum of 72 hours after symptoms disappear;Person diagnosed with Flu Syndrome, who lives in the same household as an active health or safety professional: a minimum of seven full days from the onset of the flu syndrome symptoms, and a minimum of 72 hours after the symptoms disappear.

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