Marcelo Tinelli taken out with Jorgito Moliniers for lying and leaving him by Guido Kaczka: “Save with this kid”

Luciana Salazar’s dancer apparently lied to the Showmatch production not to dance with the model.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 hs

Jorgito Moliniers , the dancer of Luciana Salazar , abandoned in a very strange way the program of Marcelo Tinelli and then they saw him playing with Guido Kaczka . The driver of Showmatch couldn’t help but get angry upon learning of the rudeness of the artist and asked him not to return to LaFlia .

Ángel de Brito contra Luciana Salazar.

Luciana Salazar went to the program with the new dancer , Nacho Gonatta, Charlotte Caniggia’s former teammate, as Moliniers was absent due to an apparent injury. He said he has muscle fatigue , so he is being treated by doctors, but the version he handles La modelo y el bailarín eran íntimos amigos. Ángel de Brito is another and it would have to do with the bad relationship he has with the model.

La modelo y el bailarín eran íntimos amigos.
The model and the dancer were close friends.

Moliniers is tired of you , from the team, because I saw him dancing on Guido Kaczka’s . So I didn’t see him so tired, it seems to me that the problem is here with the team “, said De Brito.

Ah Are you dancing on Guido Kaczka’s show? No, it is tremendous. I didn’t know. And what did (Javier) Furman do, did he prescribe another program? ”Tinelli launched with a surprised face.

Then, on a giant screen they put a fragment of the dancer in Welcome aboard. “Rare. I hadn’t seen it on Guido’s show . Well, I’m going to see it. At least to see how he is, “said Marcelo jokingly but without leaving his astonishment.

“Ah, it looks stuck, I noticed it in the turn. Now, it is incredible, tremendous. For me that is a dagger to the heart . Tremendous, crazy what he does. Recontra treason. Jorgito Moliniers: don’t even appear here ”, added Tinelli.

And he ruled that from now on it will be “ the unnameable “. “ Save with this kid who grabs it with everyone ,” he said at another point in the program when seeing that with Guido he was playing the same little game as with him, of hugging him and being “in love”.

Marcelo Tinelli furioso con Jorgito Moliniers.
Marcelo Tinelli furious with Jorgito Moliniers.

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