“Doubt that the FDP keeps its election promises with red-green”

Hamburg Ploss to the traffic light sounding

“Doubt that the FDP keeps its election promises with red-green”

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Christoph Ploß, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, ist seit einem Jahr Vorsitzender der CDU in HamburgChristoph Ploß, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, ist seit einem Jahr Vorsitzender der CDU in Hamburg

Christoph Ploß, member of the German Bundestag, has been chairman of the CDU in Hamburg for a year

Source: Bertold Fabricius / WELT

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Hamburg’s CDU regional chief Christoph Ploß is still hoping for a Jamaica alliance despite the upcoming explorations on a possible traffic light coalition. Because the Union, FDP and Greens could “anchor the important issue of climate protection more broadly in society”.

D he state chairwoman of the Hamburg CDU, Christoph Ploß , has not yet given up hope for a Jamaica coalition in the federal government. “In the election campaign, the Union fought for climate protection through innovations, new technologies and the social market economy, relief instead of burdens, more fair performance and much more,” said the 36-year-old member of the Bundestag on Wednesday. In his view, these points would be “best implementable” in an alliance of the Union, FDP and Greens.

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The FDP and the Greens announced on Wednesday that they would initially work with the SPD on a possible traffic light Coalition want to speak. Talks to form a Jamaica coalition should remain an option.

In the federal election, the SPD emerged from Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz as the strongest force. Subsequently, the Greens and the FDP first explored possible compromise lines with each other and then separately with the SPD as well as with the CDU and CSU. The Social Democrats strive for a Traffic light coalition made up of SPD, Greens and FDP.

Embed climate protection more widely in society

According to Hamburg’s CDU boss Ploß, a Jamaica would be -Coalition “also the best alternative for our country because the important issue of climate protection could be more broadly anchored in society”. He added: “I don’t think that the FDP can keep the promises for which it was elected with the SPD and the Greens.”

CDU boss Armin Laschet said on Wednesday that the Union respects that there are now talks between the FDP, the Greens and the SPD. “We have signaled that we are ready for further discussions,” said Laschet in a brief statement in front of TV cameras.

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CDU Vice Julia Klöckner , meanwhile, sees the Union facing far-reaching upheaval. “After 16 years of governance, we are facing a turning point. As hard as it is, we now have to see this situation as an opportunity, ”she told the“ Rheinische Post ”. When exploring a possible traffic light coalition, the greatest challenge for the FDP is to position itself between two factions of the SPD and the Greens that have moved to the left. With regard to the chances that Jamaica could still come, Klöckner was not very hopeful.

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