FUELS: Léo Moraes supports CPI that will investigate prices and propose tax reductions

Léo Moraes/Photo: advisory

Léo Moraes’ Project provides for the main federal and state taxes on fuels – the Contribution to PIS/Pasep, Cofins and ICMS. Federal Deputy Léo Moraes (Podemos/RO) signed yesterday (6) the application presented by Deputy Nereu Crispim (PSL-RS), which proposes the creation and installation of a Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI), aimed at investigating the reason for the high prices of cooking gas and fuels. At the same time, the Rondônia congressman presented a complementary bill that defines that the coefficients for the reduction of the Contribution to the PIS/Pasep and the Cofins levied on fuels be proportionally equal to the reduction in ICMS rates. In his justification, Léo Moraes says that the National Congress should take advantage of the opportunity in which the Federal Government itself promotes discussion on the need to reduce the load tax on fuels, to enable democratic solutions to the issue. The project presented by Léo Moraes seeks to “establish a regulatory framework that enables a joint effort between the Federal Union and the Member States to reduce taxation on these goods, whose price has a special impact on the Brazilian’s cost of living.” Its proposal provides for the automatic reduction of the main federal and state taxes on fuel – the Contribution to PIS/Pasep, Cofins and ICMS whenever there is a reduction by the Executive Branch. Moraes highlights the reconciled character of his project, which reconciles and incorporates the solution proposed by the Executive Branch through the Complementary Law Project No. 16 of 2021, as well as in the form of the public manifestations of the President of the Republic, which defends the need for a gradual and equitable reduction of taxes. The present project, on the other hand, wants to prevent any of the federated entities from being overwhelmed by the loss of revenue. CPI

The Rondonian deputy also announced support for the proposal to create the CPI that intends to investigate the high prices of fuel and cooking gas. “We urgently need to unravel the ‘secret’ of the rampant increases in fuel and cooking gas. The fact is that there is a solution to balance these prices, what is lacking is a coherent public policy. If Petrobrás practiced the international parity price, the refineries would be operating at full load and diesel oil and gasoline imports would be very low”, indicated deputy Nereu Crispim, author of the request for the Parliamentary Inquiry Commission. Data from the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) show that diesel imports grew 57.2% in April 2021 compared to March. 1.4 million cubic meters were brought in from abroad, the highest value for the month since 2013. This import is due to the import parity pricing policy. For a liter of diesel sold at R$ 4.64 at the pump, R$ 2.45 is destined for Petrobras. The profit margin of Petrobras in the sale of totally domestic oil products at international parity price would already be greater than the profit margin in the case of crude oil sold at export parity price. The components that weigh most on exorbitant fuel prices are the international rate and the dollar; another factor is the difficulty of having competition in the national market, as it was conceived based on the logic of regional monopolies. Therefore, why not have a regulation for Petrobras to practice international fuel price parity?, asks the deputy.

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