Indian Railways news: Train travel could now become costlier

The user fee will vary according to class– it would range between Rs 10 and Rs 35 with the higher price for AC first-class passengers.

Indian Railways news: Train travel could now become costlier - Know why

Updated: Oct 7, 2021, 12:52 PM IST

Travelling by train could soon become a little more expensive as passengers will now have to pay an additional charge between Rs 10 and Rs 35 for boarding trains from stations that have been redeveloped or will be developed soon. Similar charges will also be charged from passengers at stations that have been redesigned or new stations. The charge will be added to the ticket.

Charge to be added to five categories

There are five categories of this fee. The highest fee will be charged in AC first class followed by AC second, then passengers travelling in AC third and sleeper class. The lowest fee will be charged from passengers travelling in the general category.

Redeveloped station to be charged

Sources said the decision in this regard was earlier sent to the Cabinet by the Indian Railways. The Railways had earlier clarified that user fees would be levied only across stations that will be redeveloped and those that have high footfalls.

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