The National Police unveils a huge manned drone for special missions

Ehang 216, el nuevo dron autónomo de la Policía Nacional

Credit: National Police

The National Police announced this Wednesday that it has begun tests of an Autonomous Air Vehicle (AAV). This is the Ehang 216 , a 600 kg drone that is remotely piloted and can transport up to two people to areas difficult to access for a conventional helicopter.

The Spanish police force, which already has a anti-drone rifle , has presented the drone at the ExpoDrónica fair of the World ATM Congress. “We are very interested in determining what kind of missions we can use it for. We are sure that it will be very useful to enter areas contaminated by CBRN risk,” says a member of the National Police in the published video On twitter.

The aircraft, nicknamed “ megadron “, has been transferred to the National Police by Ehang, a Chinese company with extensive experience in the air taxi sector, which offers solutions both within its own borders and in Japan and South Korea. It even has specific models for emergency situations.

A versatile, manned and autonomous drone

This type of AAV offers an interesting set of characteristics, now available to the National Police. The Ehang 216, whose length is 5.61m, is prepared to support a maximum payload of 220 kg . It can also fly at a maximum speed of 130 km / h and has a range of 35 km on one charge.

The EHang is a fully electric drone. It can be charged with a power supply of 220 or 380 volts . Charging completes in 1 hour at the fastest speed. In addition, the chargers can communicate in real time with the drone’s battery management system (BMS).

Credit: ExpoDrónica

One of the advantages of this drone is that it does not require additional infrastructure to function. That is,

does not need a runway or an airport . Just the space necessary to take off or land vertically. Although, yes, in Spain it will require a permit from the State Agency for Aviation Safety, which is in process, as indicated The world .

Like other AAVs, the National Police is remotely piloted . Communication between the aircraft and the command and control center is carried out through connections 4G or 5G . It also has security systems that seek to protect passengers against handling errors caused by man, malfunction or loss of connection.

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