Yotuel Romero is on his birthday

The Cuban singer Yotuel Romero celebrates his 45th birthday this Wednesday, October 6.

“One for all and all for one! With this already 19 birthdays by your side, Beatriz Luengo. For more, baby. Thank you all for the congratulations ”, the musician wrote on Instagram next to a black and white photo in which he appears with his wife, the singer Beatriz Luengo , and their little daughter, one of the joys that has left the former member of Orishas this 2021.

“Tomorrow, October 6, is a very special day for me, my King was born, my illusion to live ”, wrote on Instagram Zoe Maya, the singer’s mother, who anticipated the celebration by sharing an emotional text in which she underlined how proud she is of his son.

In a more humorous tone, Yotuel’s nieces also left him an original congratulation.

Yotuel Romero reaches 45 years of age in full musical and personal maturity, as evidenced by a 2021 full of great moments, marked personally by the birth of his little daughter Zoë and in the musical by another type of paternity, that of Homeland and Life , a successful musical theme that became an anthem for the freedom of Cuba, which enshrined him as an artist and even opened the doors of the White House for him.

The song Patria y Vida, converted since its premiere into a symbol of the urgency of a political change in Cuba, was nominated for Song of the Year and Best Urban Song at this year’s Latin Grammy Awards, whose delivery will be held on November 18 in Las Vegas .

The iconic song, performed by Yotuel together with the duo Gente de Zona, Descemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo and El Funky has more than 8 million reproductions in Youtube. The importance and scope of the song was confirmed in the protests unleashed on July 11 in various cities on the island, where it was chanted by thousands of protesters.

Another of the experiences of this 2021 for Yotuel was his return to television, this time as contestant in the sixth edition of talent show culinary Masterchef Celebrity Spain, in which he participated for four weeks.

Far from considering a defeat his expulsion from the program, which took place this Monday , Yotuel appreciated what his passage through that space represented, where he felt the affection of his companions and vindicated the value of the will and perseverance in obtaining results, as well as the importance of solidarity.

“For me, leaving MasterChef Celebrity 6 does not mean a sadness. It is a victory for having returned to Spain, a country that I love and love, and having been these four incredible chapters. That people remain sad, it means that I have left my mark, and that is my success. I have only taught who I am and where I come from: a Cuban who comes from the street and who has managed to achieve his dream in music and in life “, said the Cuban, who above to his 45th birthday in search of new challenges.

You can follow CiberCuba Entertainment on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube .

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