Who awakened the sleeper terrorist cells in Sudan?

7/10/2021| Last update: 7/10/ 202105:09 PM (Mecca)

Although the Sudanese are the most tolerant and least extremist of the peoples on earth, and they have no way of extremism, it is rare to find a Sudanese who participated in a terrorist operation, yet the curse of the states sponsoring terrorism has followed us for many years, for no other reason than that Sudan The shadow of a hospitable and open country (for the gashi and the walker) without caution or impediments, asking for shelter or citizenship and obtaining them with the generosity of Hatami, which is often the loophole through which terrorist cells escaped, the last of which was the stubborn Jabra suburb cell, as described by the commander of the Armored Corps.

stubborn scabbard cell

Throughout the day on Monday, the Sudanese capital held its breath following the dismantling of a terrorist cell in the suburb of Jabra, south of Khartoum, and the joint regular forces dealt with the cell with all kinds of destructive weapons, in the face of incendiary bombs and various other weapons, which caused The martyrdom and wounding of some Sudanese forces, and the killing of all members of the cell. A week before that incident, the joint forces carried out a raid on two sites in Omdurman, and (8) foreigners were arrested. Caution and caution, and he called for reporting any individuals suspected of belonging to ISIS cells, which means the possibility of these cells growing and taking separate hideouts, in which it is easy to divert attention and carry out criminal activities, especially since Khartoum is in a state of chaos and security liquidity due to the weakness of the government, tempted such groups to move Boldly and smuggling weapons, not necessarily to implement internal goals, perhaps they were external goals. Since the eighties of the last century, we have been receiving chasers from their oppressive regimes in Libya, Eritrea, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and others, many of whom have turned into sleeper cells for an eternal sleep, or decided to integrate into the local community, They married Sudanese women, and when the regimes changed after the Arab Spring revolutions, they returned to their countries as good citizens, and others found Khartoum a safe haven to resume their dangerous activities. ISIS in Khartoum

But the strangest thing in the controversy is Al-Sudani Street, which is divided over any issue, says that some have treated the news of terrorist cells with more contempt and skepticism, and sometimes dealt with the pouring bullets recklessly. A purely a play written by a mocking imagination to establish the security grip, as is happening in a neighboring country that used the war on terrorism as an excuse to liquidate its political opponents. It can also be said that ISIS, although we do not rule out its presence in Sudan, is itself a Western intelligence industry, in which the huge Zionist machine was blown, to facilitate for them to legitimize the occupation of Islamic countries, or to create what is known as creative chaos, to contain the world, that is, the manufacture of myth and its liquidation! It is no secret to the acumen of the observer that the history of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the history of ISIS, and both of them were born in a defining moment of the oil wars, which ignited fighting in close spots, so that their supply of violence and weapons would be logical.

Biography of Bullets and Blood

Of course not This is the first time that the security authorities have found an active terrorist cell and dismantled it, as Sudan serves as the crossing point for many countries where such groups are spread, as well as overlooking from the middle the belts of ISIS and Boko Haram together. At the beginning of 1994, people remember the history of the events of the Al-Thawra Mosque in the city of Omdurman, when Abdul Rahman Al-Khulaifi (Yemeni) and three others attacked a mosque belonging to the Ansar Al-Sunna group with firearms, and claimed the lives of 27 worshipers, and the news that emerged after that incident that the Islamic leader Hassan al-Turabi was also a target of Al-Khulaifi, as well as the leader of Al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden, who was residing in Khartoum at the time, but he was living in a fortified and heavily guarded house in the suburb of Riyadh in central Khartoum, in addition to the fact that the information about the house was not clear to the perpetrators. They must remember the bulldozer massacre in December 2000, when the extremist Abbas Al-Baqir fired indiscriminately inside a mosque and stained the walls and carpets with blood, as well as the bombing of the Acropolis Hotel in Khartoum in 1988, by the Palestinian Abu Nidal group, in addition to the killing of the American diplomat John Granville in late 2008, shooting his car on New Year’s Eve, and here there is a note worthy of attention, which is that some of these incidents were not caused by extremist elements in religion, or jihadist groups, which means that terrorism has no religion or sect.
In November 2012, the Sudanese authorities managed to arrest a heavily armed jihadist cell, known as the “Dandar cell.” Most of them were in the prime of youth, and the least qualified of them held a bachelor’s degree. Not only did they end up in prison, but the previous regime initiated a lengthy dialogue with them that ended up convincing them to abandon their extremist ideas, and then they were released, after making sure that the crisis was in the minds and not in the intentions. Then, a series of dialogues was launched with many of the elements of those cells, which brought most of them back to their senses. *)

Exploding Minds

In general, no one has a definitive answer to the significance of the emergence of these terrorist cells at this particular time, and are there external parties involved in pushing them into the troubled Sudanese interior with political conflicts, to spread chaos and justify the intervention of international forces, as happened in Syria and Afghanistan? Or is the case otherwise, especially since they have been dormant cells for years, without explosions inside. But I think that it was monitored, and under security supervision, before it attacked it recently, and the Sudanese authorities were surprised, that they, the terrorist cells, developed their equipment and became more prepared, and did not hesitate to kill everyone who stood in their way, civilian or military. , and if left, it may become a serious threat and stronger than the state, and make Sudan one of the hotbeds of violence in the world.

Sudanese writer and journalist, head of the political department of Omdurman satellite channel

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