Without the knowledge of his parents, Adam Yazid entered the military secretly to serve the country

WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, DEPOK – The decline in performance experienced Adam Yazid (22) as a Taekwondo athlete in 2017 turned out to have turned himself into a civil servant by enlisting in the Indonesian National Army (TNI).

The Gold Winner at PON XX Papua registers himself as TNI in 2017 went through the achievement path.

At that time, Adam still registered as an athlete at the National Training Center (Pelatnas).

The graduate of this special school for sportsmen at the upper secondary level was finally accepted and immediately underwent education as TNI in Bandung for four months.

“When I was still at Pelatnas there was a recruitment TNI, at that time I also just graduated, better than being unemployed later I’m trying to register,” he said when contacted by TribunnewsDepok.com on Thursday (7/10/2021). secretly or without the knowledge of his parents.

Because, Adam admitted that his parents did not want him to be in the TNI because they were reluctant to be away from his only son.

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“Because I am an only child, my parents are worried that I will be assigned far outside the area. Finally, I explained that if you are an athlete TNI , the assignment is adjusted to the sport (sports),” he said.

That explanation was successful in bringing Adam to the blessing and support of his parents to become a soldier.

As well as being a Taekwondo athlete, serving the country in a unitary TNI is also not part of his dream since childhood.

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