Mattia will strain his brain to solve the secret of his uncles from the background


Velenje, 07.10.2021, 19:04 | Updated one hour ago


The other duelist Mattia will do his best to find a message that might save him from the arena. Mistress Nada comes to the estate, expecting her to ‘fall down’ because of the products, and Nina will shed tears over Ambrose’s letter.

<span> <onl-article-quote _nghost-sc199=""><a _ngcontent-sc199="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <onl-video> You can watch the farm from Monday to Friday at 9 pm on POP TV. You can watch each show the day before on VOYO. </onl-video></a></onl-article-quote></span> <rect height="2" width="5" x="5" y="14"><span> <span onlcontextualbanner=""> )</p><p> In tonight’s show <a href=""> Farm</p><figure role="group"><strong> – </strong> you can already view it at <a href=""> </a><a href=""> VOYO </a></figure><p></a></p><p></span></span></rect> –

the two duels will have to go to the kayak. Mattia will continue to strive to previously revealed the secret of uncles and the background and may have avoided a duel: “My brain works 100 an hour, just to find this letter.”

Mattia will strain his brain. PHOTO: POP TV

While Mattia solves the puzzle, the rest of the family will struggle with the task. Franc bo Tilnu gave instructions on how he should behave as the head of the family, and then he will the mistress came to the estate. Nada head of the family: ) “Did you remember what I said? 10 products must be top to fall down. “ Will the family be able to impress the strict mistress?

Will the family be able to impress the strict mistress? PHOTO: POP TV

It will be emotional especially in the evening, when the two pigeons will have to say goodbye Ambrož ) in Nina . The first duelist will leave a message for his sweetheart, and the written words will make her cry.

What will Ambrož tell Nina? PHOTO: POP TV

Don’t miss Farms

tonight at 9pm on POP TV or already now



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