NHSO opens criteria to treat adverse reactions to injections “Pfizer Student”

NHSO opens criteria to pay compensation in case of vaccinating Pfizer students aged 12 years and over and having adverse reactions can apply for assistance While overall, there are 3.6 million registered parents, more than 70 thousand injected amid the trend. #Pfizer Student on Twitter

Today (7 Oct. 2021) Dr. Jadet Thammathatcha-aree, Secretary-General of the National Health Security Office (SSO) G.) said that according to the government’s policy of vaccinating against COVID-19 for students aged 12 years and over, the goal is 5,048,000 people across the country, starting on October 4 as the first day. as a Pfizer vaccine and if there are any adverse reactions from vaccination In this regard, the criteria for consideration of preliminary compensation payments are divided into 3 levels

  • Level 1 has symptoms that require continuous treatment. Not more than 100,000 baht
  • Level 2 damage to dismemberment or disabled until it affects living, pay not more than 240,000 baht
  • Level 3 in case of death or permanent disability, pay not more than 400,000 baht
  • Dr. Jadet said that for the side effects of vaccination, no one wants it to happen. especially with children that is our children but if incurred, it is necessary to take care and assistance for the initial damage as soon as possible The NACC does not prove right or wrong. or clearly indicate that it is the result of vaccination but as a remedy to reduce the impact on people when adverse reactions occur

    for procedures if symptoms do not occur Desirable after COVID-19 vaccination according to the project program provided by the government for free Able to apply for initial assistance with the National Health Security Office (NHSO)

  • hospitals at spray Provincial Public Health Office (PorPor.Por.)
  • Office NHSO. Branches in all 13 districts
  • with a period of time to submit a petition within 2 years from the date of knowing the damage when someone has submitted an application Subcommittee The territorial level will expedite the consideration to be completed as soon as possible. In the event that the applicant does not agree with the result of the diagnosis Has the right to appeal to the Secretary-General of the NHSO within 30 days from the date of knowing the result of the diagnosis

    Parents-doctors encourage students to fear needles

    while vaccinating Pfizer in many provinces. Since the 4th of Oct. Ministry of Education Preliminary reports indicate that 3,600,000 students intend to vaccinate, representing 71% of the total of over 5,000,000 students. They will start vaccinating schools in the most restrictive and strict areas. or dark red 15,465 locations in 29 provinces, such as Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani

  • #Pfizer Student -Advise to observe symptoms

    Latest data on October 6 reveals the number of children aged 12-17 receiving Pfizer vaccine. It is the first dose of vaccine until October 6, 74,501 people have found that some students are afraid of needles that their parents, teachers and doctors have to help each other and applaud after the vaccination is complete


    Social media tagged #pfizer students Ranked number 1 today, there is a reflection of the problem of not wanting to be vaccinated. Partly because there is information about side effects such as myocarditis and fake news on the TikTok app indicating side effects of the Pfizer vaccine. towards many children Including found that some schools have postponed vaccination. But many social media users are suggesting that children go back for the Pfizer vaccine

    Dr. Somsak Ankasil, Director-General of the Medical Department, said that myocardial and pericarditis are related to COVID-19 vaccination. can happen The risk after vaccination is very low. But there is a chance Symptoms of myocarditis or pericarditis, such as chest pain, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath or pain when breathing, palpitations, fainting

  • Those receiving the mRNA vaccine should be monitored for their symptoms. If these symptoms occur within 1 week after injection You should see your doctor for an evaluation.

    Dr. Adisai Phattatang, director of the Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, said that myocardial and pericarditis disease Caused by mRNA vaccines are more common in the second dose than the first dose. Males aged 12-17 years have the highest incidence rate. followed by the age of 18-24 years, not found in the elderly. Diagnosis by electrocardiogram, lung X-ray and blood test for myocardial protein. If myocarditis is suspected, consult a pediatric cardiologist to assess cardiac function.

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