Effective today! Chanthaburi governor banned the sale of liquor and beer after more outbreaks

Effective today! Governor of Chanthaburi Province Signing an order banning the sale of liquor and all types of alcoholic beverages Control the spread of COVID-19 after meeting with a party Gather together to increase the total number of COVID-19 cases. Accelerate proactive examination of 1,000 people per day

on October 6, 2021, Mr. Suthi Thongyam, governor of the province. Chanthaburi Superintendent of Public Administration in Emergency Situations, Chanthaburi Province Signed the Chanthaburi provincial order prohibiting the sale, distribution, distribution or exchange of spirits and alcoholic beverages of all types

with effect. From today (Oct. 7) to Oct. 31, 2021 after the number of infected people has been found continuously and there is no trend to decrease. It was found that the epidemic was spread among those who attended the traditional party. and ceremonies, including found outbreaks in drinking and alcoholic beverage groups in workplaces, homes, or other places that have led to large numbers of infected people. and still can’t control the disease

Thai PBS Online Asked for information from the Covid-19 Operation Center, Chanthaburi, about the reason for the announcement to prohibit the sale of such alcoholic beverages. Knowing that even Chanthaburi has not found a large cluster of alcoholic beverages spreading. But this part is considered an important contributor to the increase in the number of infected people

This order is a measure to control and reduce the number of people infected with COVID- 19 which comes from gatherings at events such as funerals, weddings, birthday parties Especially during this period, there is a lock release for people to travel normally. causing some people to meet and socialize at the beach or people in the fruit and the market

in the past The province has continuously issued orders and measures to prevent the spread of the disease. Along with the proactive ATK screening of 1,000 people per day, it found a large number of infected people

. Chanthaburi Provincial Public Health Office Report of the new wave of COVID-19 infection situation, Chanthaburi province, on 6 October 2021, 450 new cases were found through proactive screening and observation, 421 Thais, 25 Cambodians, 3 Laotians 1 Chinese person, total number of infected 13,085, 9,691 recovered, 75 deaths

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