Doja Cat ‘not happy’ with demanding schedule

Doja Cat is “not happy” with how busy her schedule is.

On Wednesday, the three-time Grammy nominee went live on social media to debut her make-up collab with BH cosmetics. Afterwards, fans on Twitter asked the 25-year-old singer if she was okay, saying she “seemed down”, and in now-deleted tweets, the pop star opened up about how her demanding schedule affects her.

“im just tired and i dont want to do anything. im not happy,” she began. “I’m done saying yes to motherfkers cuz I cant even have a week to just chill. im never not working. im fking tired (sic).”

The Say So star explained that her cat, Alex, is “getting old” and her schedule means she can’t “be there for him”, with her adding, “i wanna be alone.”

Last month, she both hosted and performed at the MTV Video Music Awards. She is currently on tour to promote her third studio album, Planet Her, and recently featured on Lil Nas X’s hit album Montero.

“its not anybody else’s fault but mine anyway,” the hitmaker continued. “i just keep agreeing to st i dont wanna do in the future. its my own dumb a*s fault. and then im too tired to put any effort into this st cuz im so run down from everything else (sic).”

“i like dont care anymore man,” she concluded.

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