Electric scooters stopped at hospital: “Particularly vulnerable”

Electric scooters that are thrown on sidewalks or parked incorrectly can be a serious problems for hospital patients and visitors.

Therefore, Region Skåne puts a stop to electric scooters in several of the hospital’s areas.

– People with various disabilities who move in the hospital area are particularly vulnerable, says Elisabeth Hoff, administrator at Region Skåne, in a press release.

Electric scooters have been a watershed in many Swedish cities. Some people think that it is a nice new element in the urban environment – while some think that they create too many traffic problems.

Since October 1, it is not possible to use electric scooters completely free at Skåne University Hospital in Malmö. The background to the regulation is precisely the problems that electric scooters can cause, Region Skåne writes in a press release.

These include electric scooter cyclists who do not follow current traffic rules or electric scooters that are parked incorrectly or thrown on footpaths and cycle paths. This in turn becomes a serious problem for the hospital’s patients and visitors.

Skåne University Hospital in Malmö.


(Particularly vulnerable)

– The hospital area in Malmö should be a quiet and safe area for everyone who stays there. We still have big challenges with heavy traffic, a lot of construction work and a lot of people in circulation, says Elisabeth Hoff, manager at Region Skåne, in a press release.

Since the middle of August, the city of Malmö has discussed the problem with electric scooter companies. This has now led to certain zones in the hospital area being banned from driving or parking. Other zones have very limited speed to increase security.

– People with various disabilities who move in the hospital area are particularly vulnerable, says Elisabeth Hoff in a press release.

The type of regulation that applies at Skåne University Hospital differs somewhat between the various electric scooter companies.

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