Rome, the Friedkin revolution is not over: two pieces are still missing


THE ROMANIST (P. TORRI) – It’s not over. Although the Texan revolution can be said to have come a long way after, two days ago, the change of the CEO was made official, goodbye and thanks Guido Fienga , welcome Pietro Berardi. But the new Rome that the Friedkin family is building is still missing a couple of pieces

Tasselli that the property, as always protected, by choice, by absolute silence, he has been looking for a while now. First of all a new Francesco Calvo, or the Chief Operating Officer , stuff that for us human means General Manager. Actually, Dr. Calvo, highly esteemed by the property, still lives in the family Rome . He resigned in the first weeks of this year, while still guaranteeing continuity on some commercial issues that he was following personally.

Continuity which turned into a consultancy contract until last September 30th, then extended at the end of this year with tasks also extended to relations with Italian and European football institutions (it was Calvo ad accompany the president to the first meeting of the ECA attended by mister Dan). But if something doesn’t happen at the unexpected moment, there will be a need to find a new Bald. As far as we know the consultations have already started and there would have been a couple of interviews with a Florentine manager and another from Campania. Then there is a need to find a new Commercial Director since, not too long ago, Dr. Giorgio Brambilla was greeted. Also for this situation the rumors are not lacking, but it is almost impossible to find minimal confirmations.


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