
From APA / . Created October 08, 2021 (10:38)

Kogler will nicht mehr mit Kurz

Kogler no longer wants to use Kurz


“The ÖVP is called upon to find an impeccable person who can carry out this office,” said the chairwoman of the club Sigrid Maurer. She and Kogler had come to the parliamentary emergency quarters for a meeting with the SPÖ, observed by journalists, but this time without demonstrators in the background. The Vice Chancellor and the Greens chief spoke of “very serious, serious accusations”, which put the Federal Chancellor’s ability to act and officiate at risk. Therefore, he now wants to explore other possibilities with the other parliamentary parties.

On Thursday, the ÖVP was set to short, Kogler said this was that Government partner at liberty. The ÖVP, as the state-sponsoring party, has several options for personnel selection that do not threaten serious legal proceedings for years. Maurer saw it similarly. There are serious allegations, such as corruption and the misuse of 1.3 million euros in tax money. In the future, Kurz will be constantly busy rejecting these allegations. “It is very clear that someone like that is no longer capable of office,” she said.

ÖVP does not represent an impeccable person

That the ÖVP does not give anyone else nominate, triggers the current talks for them. “Obviously the ÖVP refuses to provide such an impeccable person, so we’re talking to the other parties,” said Maurer. So whether the Greens will go along with the opposition’s motion of censure on Tuesday, if Kurz is not exchanged, they left open.

Before the Greens was Rendi-Wagner came to the library courtyard of the Hofburg. She played – like Kurz and the ÖVP the day before – the ball to the small government partner. “It is up to the Greens to decide whether they want to continue to support the Kurz system,” she said. It is important that people speak openly and honestly. She did not want to speculate about possible coalition variants without the ÖVP, and she also evaded the question of her own ambitions for the chancellorship. It is about the country and its future, about peace and stability and a government that is not constantly in the focus of the judiciary.

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