Saad Dine El Otmani: The Feast of the Throne reflects the perfect symbiosis between the Alaouite Throne and the Moroccan people

The celebration of the 22nd anniversary of the accession of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to the Throne of His glorious ancestors constitutes an opportunity to reaffirm the perfect symbiosis between the Glorious Alaouite Throne and the Moroccan people, underlined, Tuesday, the Head of government, Saâd Dine El Otmani. Speaking at a meeting of the Council of Government held by videoconference, Mr. El Otmani indicated that through this symbolic occasion, the Moroccan people remember the major achievements made by Morocco thanks to the leadership of His Majesty the King . Quoted in a press release published at the end of the Council, the Head of Government added that Morocco has experienced important developments in various fields, at the political and democratic levels, but also in terms of the consecration of human rights, promotion of socio-economic development, qualification of human capital and upgrading of infrastructure. It is also about the diplomatic influence of Morocco in its regional and international environment thanks to the leadership and the aura of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, he said. Mr. El Otmani also noted that the latest successes achieved by Morocco, in particular in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, thanks to the wise human and proactive Royal decisions. The Head of Government took this opportunity to address on his behalf and on behalf of the members of the government his sincere congratulations to His Majesty the King, the statement concluded.

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