Senegal wants to take advantage of Morocco's experience in social housing

A high-level Senegalese delegation inquired on Tuesday in Rabat about Morocco’s achievements in the housing sector and national public policies in housing. During a working session on feedback from social housing programs in Morocco, held at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Land Use Planning, Town Planning, Housing and Community Policy city, the members of the delegation exchanged with their Moroccan counterparts on the different aspects of the housing sector, including housing financing, social housing, taxation and the issue of subsidies. Emphasis was also placed on the long-standing technical cooperation between the two countries in the areas of housing and town planning, in particular through the partnership agreement involving Majal, CGLUA, UN-Habitat and the municipalities of Rabat and Dakar, signed in November 2018, as well as the partnership agreement between the line ministries of the two countries, on the occasion of the tenth edition of the World Urban Forum, on February 11, 2020. In a statement to the chain of information from the MAP (M24), El Ousseyni Kane, President of the Operational Monitoring Office of the Emerging Senegal Plan (BOS) and head of the delegation, noted that the objective of this session is to learn about Morocco’s achievements in the domain, but also to invite Moroccan companies to invest in Senegal, in order to support Senegal’s desire to provide at least 5,000 affordable housing to millions of Senegalese. Today, the Senegalese, including the diaspora, want to have decent housing at affordable prices, he said, welcoming the experience in this area of ​​Morocco, which is “a forerunner in terms of policy. real estate ”.

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