COMPLETED SECOND ROUND OF THE EUROLEAGUE! Olympiacos, Asvel and Olympia remained undefeated

Olympiacos basketball players beat Real Madrid at home with 74:68 (13:10, 22:26 , 19:16, 20:16).

Sasha Vezenkov noted “double double” for the Greek team performance of 16 points and 10 rebounds, and Tyler Dorsey scored 12 points.

Former Partizan player Nigel Williams-Goss scored 16 points for Real with three rebounds, while Walter Tavares added a point less, with six rebounds.

Asvel defeated Alba from Berlin on the road with 71:67 ​​(13:18, 21:13, 15 (12, 22:24).

Better than the others in the French team was Chris Jones with 24 points , while Elie Okobo scored 13 points with seven rebounds.

Maodo Lo scored 22 points in the defeat of his team, and Oscar Da Silva scored 14 points, with six rebounds.

In the end, Olimpija from Milan is away with 78:64 (19:17, 19:13, 19:17, 21:17) defeated Basconia

The most deserving for the victory of the Italians was Malcolm Delaney with 13 points, while Devon Hall and Shavon Shields scored 12 each.

In the defeated team, Simone Fontekio led with 16 points, and Wade Baldwin and Rokas Giedraitis added 14 points each.

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