While Bolsonaro vetoes, the Dino government announces the distribution of tampons in Maranhão

The government of Maranhão, led by Flávio Dino (PSB), announced this Thursday Thursday (7) which will distribute free female sanitary pads to state public school students, as a way to fight menstrual poverty.

In all, 163 thousand girls will be benefited in the 217 cities of the state. “Secretary of Education Felipe Camarão is going to implement this decision that we adopted”, announced Flávio Dino on his social networks.

“And I hope that the National Congress overthrows another mistaken presidential veto”, completed the governor, in reference

to the fact that Jair Bolsonaro vetoed free distribution of sanitary napkins under a bill approved by the National Congress.

Veto of Bolsonaro On a setback to advances in women’s rights in Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro vetoed this Thursday (7) the distribution free sanitary napkin for low-income public school students and homeless or extremely vulnerable women. PL 4.968/19, which institutes the Menstrual Promotion Program , authored by the federal deputy Marília Arraes (PT-PE), had been approved by the Chamber on September 15th. “This veto is truly absurd for women in Brazil. Saying that tampon is not essential, who is saying , he’s the president,” said Marília in a video sent to Forum .

“I was very impressed because it dealt with issues that were already resolved, which were the subject of exhaustive negotiations between the authors of the project. Everything was aligned and reconciled. So it’s a shame that it was vetoed, including on points that had been negotiated with the government leaders themselves,” continued the parliamentarian.

Bolsonaro sanctioned the project, that is, the Menstrual Health Protection and Promotion Program was created. However, he vetoed article 1, which provided for the free distribution of female sanitary napkins, and article 3, which established the list of beneficiaries. In addition, it removed the excerpt that included the item in the food baskets distributed by the National Food and Nutrition Security System.

The main argument is that the project was approved by Congress did not provide a source of funding for the measures. The text said that the money would come from resources allocated by the Union to the Unified Health System (SUS) – and, in the case of female inmates, from the National Penitentiary Fund. For Bolsonaro, sanitary pads are not on the list of essential medicines, so they cannot be distributed by the unified health system. In addition, according to him, the law that created the National Penitentiary Fund does not provide for the use of resources for this purpose.

According to Marília, the arguments are obvious , since the Brazilian system is patriarchal, that is, it is not designed for women, whether they are in Parliament, hospitalized, incarcerated or at work. Congress can decide to maintain or overturn presidential vetoes. The deadline for this evaluation is 30 days after publication in the Official Gazette, but it is not always met.

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