The Catholic Church defended the right for everyone to have a home

The Apostolic Nuncio, Monsignor Miroslaw Adamczyk , spoke in favor of all citizens having a home .

“We all have the right to have our house. The house is something very important to us, we always feel great pity for homeless people. We all We have the right and the duty to protect our home “, expressed the representative of the Holy See.

Adamczyk formulated these concepts in the XVIII Military Pilgrimage to the Basilica of Luján, in which members of the Armed Forces and security, authorities and family participated.

The mass was presided over by the nuncio and concelebrated by the military bishop, Monsignor Santiago Olivera , and by the Vicar General, Monsignor Gustavo Acuña .

The senior chaplains of the Navy also participated, priest Francisco Rostom Maderna ; of the Army, priest Eduardo Castellanos ; of the Air Force, priest Caesar Taurus ; of the Prefecture, priest Diego Tibaldo , and of the Airport Security Police, priest Rubén Bonacina , among others.

Adamczyk greeted the military community on behalf of Pope Francisco . “We all have a common home. This common home is called Homeland. For you, the Homeland is Argentina, where you want to live in peace and tranquility. Where you want to live without being disturbed and you have the right and duty to protect it,” he said.

“Precisely the main mission of the Armed Forces and Federal Security Forces is to protect the life, property and other rights and freedoms of all citizens of Argentina. ¿ Why do I say it? Not to please you, members of the Armed Forces and federal security forces; I say it because it is true. You have the high mission of defending and protecting the common home, the Homeland, Argentina, “he emphasized .

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