Nuray Levent reaches 3 gold medals with the dust of his foot in Tokyo 2020 return

21-year-old Levent, who started weightlifting thanks to his trainer, whom he met at a young age, achieved degrees in European and world championships.

Turkey Levent, who is the only female weightlifter to qualify for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, ranked 9th in 64 kg in this organization.

The national athlete who continues his post-Olympic training hard, Youth and Under-23 Europe Weightlifting held in Rovaniemi, Finland Championship, with 96 kilos in snatch, 118 kilos in clean and jerk and 214 kilos in total, he made his mark on the top by winning 3 gold medals. He also aims to return to Turkey with a medal.

Levent: “The Olympics is always the first goal”

European champion
Nuray Levent ), AA correspondent, due to the announcement of the quota too late in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Stating that he could not get the degree he wanted, he said, “When we returned from Tokyo, we had a 1.5-month camp period in Isparta. Then, thank God, I came first in the European Championship in Finland under the age of 23.”

Reporting that he did whatever it took to be the first in the championship, Levent said:

“For me, the Olympics is always the first goal. I will fight for a medal at the 2024 Paris Olympics and I hope I will succeed. Next April, there will be the Senior European Weightlifting Championships, and I want to get a medal there as well. In addition, there will be 2021 Islamic Solidarity Games in Konya, it has been postponed to 2022, I want to get a degree there and have our National Anthem sung. These are my primary goals.”

“Families need to stand behind their children”

Nuray Levent, with motivation while doing sports Pointing out the importance of target-oriented work, he said that it is essential to work hard and continue in sports.

Advising young people to do sports, Levent said, “No matter what branch, sports are beneficial. I have been playing sports since I was 13 years old. I get great support from my family. They are with me in my good and bad times. Families need to stand behind their children.”


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