Women get the right to euthanasia even without being in a terminal situation in Colombia


Some people accept to preserve their brain in a technique that results in the loss of their own life, others so support the right to a simple and painless death even during a “healthy” life that already developed a “suicide machine”.

With the procedure scheduled for next Sunday (10), the woman says she is relieved. Martha suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a degenerative and incurable disease. Due to the condition, she can no longer walk and feel severe pain in her body.

In an interview with Colombian channel Caracol, Martha explains that she made the decision because she can’t stand so much pain anymore and chose a Sunday morning for euthanasia as it is the day she traditionally attends church mass. The woman is Catholic and said she encountered resistance within the church with the choice:

I do this because I’m suffering and because I believe in a God who doesn’t want to see me like this. For me, God is allowing me this, so if you like me, you don’t like to see me in this situation. As we always go to Mass, I wanted it to be on a Sunday. I want the procedure, cremation, delivery of the ashes and the Eucharist to take place on the same day. And other than in a funeral parlor, I think this increases people’s suffering. Colombia relaxed the rules for carrying out euthanasia in June. However, the procedure in which doctors allow the death of the patient has only been authorized so far for people in a terminal state.

Martha’s last days should be close to family, with beer and food. Her 22-year-old son says he understands his mother’s decision, despite wanting more time with her:

In principle I need Mom, I want her with me, almost in any condition. But I know that in her words she no longer lives, she just survives. My focus now is on making her happy, making her laugh, having a little fun. And may your stay on Earth, for the days that remain, be a little more pleasant. What is your opinion about the euthanasia procedure? Let us know in the comments!

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