Macao Film Festival Artistic Director Mike Goodridge to Step Down

(THR) Mike Goodridge is stepping down as the artistic director of the International Film Festival & Awards Macao after overseeing four editions of the event.Due to the pandemic and Macao’s strict COVID-19 entry rules, IFFAM will not take place this December with the virtual 2020 edition proving to be the final festival overseen by Goodridge.Appointed to oversee IFFAM’s second edition in 2017, Goodridge, a former editor at Screen Daily and ex-CEO of the London-based production and sales outfit Protagonist, replaced Marco Mueller as the fledgling festival’s artistic director.During Goodridge’s tenure, IFFAM created an international competition for first and second-time directors and strengthened the Chinese-language programming with the creation of the New Chinese Cinema competition.Goodridge helped establish IFFAM as a regional draw and cemented the festival’s place in Macao’s cultural scene, no small task given the overwhelming dominance of casinos in a city considered Asia’s gambling capital.“I have had an incredible experience working with my friends and colleagues in Macao,” said Goodridge in a release. “We built the audience for different kinds of cinema in the city and created an event that resonated across the region and the world. The team we assembled was second to none, and we were all dedicated to stimulating the growth of film-making and film-going in Macao. IFFAM’s future is uncertain in an age of COVID and seismic local changes, but I wish it continued prosperity. “Goodridge, who was a consultant for this year’s Chicago International Film Festival, will continue to work in festival programming and curation. He is also returning to producing with his company Good Chaos.Source: The Hollywood Reporter by Abid Rahman  September 28, 2021 4:00am

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